Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Infant panda

Just born! How amazing, its just the size of a human palm in relative to panda mom's size.

Day 2. Cleaning mouth after bottle fed.

Day 2. No eyes yet but squeaking extremely loud.

Day 2. Potty time. Tabling on genital simulating mom's licking to stimulate passing of urine and feces. Otherwise, baby can die from intoxication.

Day 3. More hair visible. Nothing resembling a panda.

Growing of ears and eyes now. And paws!

Pink fuzzy now taking on the panda birth-markings.

awww.... must be having a wonderful dream smiling.

Day 30. Black and white is significant.

At 35-day. Claws well form!

At day 40.

At 85-day. This is the face make you want to protect the bamboo forest at all cost.

Day 90. How i wish it stays miniature.
At 120 days. Getting up and crawling places now.

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